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Chapter 3

Jesus wants everyone to stay awake and alert to God’s will. This chapter expands on Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 10:39, reminding us to let go and fully embrace God’s plan. Sanctification through Christ is examined, revealing that in relinquishing control, we open doors to his holiness, accepting God’s will over our own.

Releasing Control and Embracing God’s Will

In a world full of competitors who hold onto control, Jesus’ message can seem extreme. He doesn’t ask us to fight harder or to secure our own destinies. Instead, he invites us to do something way off—he asks us to let go. As Jesus once said, "Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it" (Matthew 10:39). His words may seem counterintuitive—how can losing something lead to finding it? Yet, this is the paradox of the Christian life. True freedom, true fulfillment, comes not through gaining but through surrender (Moore). It is only when we release our tight grip that we can fully embrace God’s will and experience abundant life.

The Illusion of Control

A woman is releasing control and embracing God's will.

The idea that we are the masters of our lives is peddled to us from a young age. Being in control and achieving success is who we are. We are taught to have targets, to not give up until you make it and to take charge of your destiny. While these are certainly commendable traits, it easily tricks us into believing that we are the creators of our reality.

Pope Francis describes this as one of the biggest fears of the competitor- the fear of letting go. This constant need and desperate attempt to control every situation ultimately leads to exhaustion, frustration and an overwhelming sense of helplessness. Letting go, as Jesus instructed, allows for things to fall into the right place on their own accord. But this does not mean that we ourselves do not hold any responsibility. It simply means that trust needs to be placed in The Creator not the created.

Surrendering to God's Will

What is surrendering all about? It does not mean to just sit back and wait for whatever comes your way. Rather, it is a decision to put your trust in God, relinquishing control. It is about cooperating with God. Considering again what Jesus said in Gethsemane, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me, yet not my will, but yours be done" (Luke 22:42). This is where Jesus surrenders and expresses his desire, but cooperates with his Father's choice . 

Jesus' teachings guide us toward a profound understanding of relinquishing control and embracing God’s will. It’s a radical shift from the world’s expectations, urging us to find true freedom not in grasping tightly but in letting go. By placing our trust in God, we align ourselves with a greater purpose, allowing it to transform our lives. This journey is about cooperation with God. As we travel this path, may we always remember that letting go is the next step towards freedom.

surrendering to God's will.
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